Ready to Quit?  We are here to help.

Smoke Free Campus The University of Alabama became smoke-free in January 2015 and there are resources available to assist those in becoming smoke free. For Blue Cross Blue Shield-AL covered employees, you can contact Human Resources for plan benefits. Additional benefits are listed below, but check with your health care plan for other plan benefits.



Receive information and advice about quitting smoking through real time text messaging with The National Cancer Institute’s Live Help Service. Cessation support is offered by a live smoking cessation counselor. LiveHelp is offered only in English only during specified hours of operation.


    • The Quit– The Quit is a free Web-based intervention that is designed to help young smokeless tobacco users quit.
    • Kill The Can – This website offers free resources and tools to help dip, snuff, and chewing tobacco users quit. Along with useful information, it offers a support forum and a live quit chat room.