Bring Out Your Resilience Skills to Grow and Thrive logo Brain outline with lines and dots connecting throughout

Bring Out Your Resilience

Workshops are held once per month during the Spring Semester from 12:00-1:00pm in Rose Administration, Room G55

Bounce back from challenges and bring out the resilience you already have within you! Over four classes, held monthly, you will broaden your sense of self-awareness and learn skills to grow and thrive in the workplace and at home. You will also have the opportunity to practice the skills you learn in this workshop-style series to build competencies in mental toughness, energy management, and strong leadership.

Participants are welcome to attend as many classes as they can as the topics are connected, but attendance to all four is not required.

Detect Your Icebergs

Uncover some underlying beliefs you hold that can help you build self-awareness and work on responding rather than reacting to certain situations.

Iceberg floating in water with perspective of both under water and above

Avoid Thinking Traps

Learn to recognize and overcome common thinking traps that can cloud your judgement and affect your performance.

Blonde haired woman looking up with line drawings and question marks above her head

Energy Management

Discover your ideal energy activation number and practice tools to increase or decrease your energy, so you can show up as your best self.

Man sitting at desk smiling with his hands raised above his head dressed in business attire

Character Strengths

Identify your top core values and discuss how you can bring out your strengths and help others do the same.

Red haired woman standing at whiteboard holding a piece of paper and writing in red marker

Register for any or all workshops on your Wellness Portal.