
Mark your calendar for the 10th Annual Quad in Motion!

Thursday, October 17th


What is Quad in Motion?

An event to showcase and encourage exercise at UA for an entire day!

Get out of the office and bring your fellow colleagues along. We’re encouraging all 6,000+ university employees to be active today, recruit coworkers to build accountability, and enjoy physical activity together.  Employees are asked to sign up for a 40-minute time slot to complete wellness activities, learn more about health and exercise, and get some free stuff along the way. This is one event you don’t want to miss!

How does it work?

Step 1: Sign up for your 40-minute time slot (between 9am and 4pm)

Step 2: Check in with us at the tent across from Lloyd Hall.

Step 3: Visit each station around the Quad and complete a fun activity at each.

Step 4: Return to our tent to collect your free prize (while supplies last)!



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