Earning WellBAMA Rewards is Easy!
Employees can earn up to $100 per year in WellBAMA Rewards. Receive $50 when you attend your health screening and earn an additional $50 at the end of the year when you complete one program and attend one wellness class.
2,717 Number of employees who attended their WellBAMA health screening in 2023
1,682 Number of employees who attended a wellness class in 2023
Upcoming Events and Programs:
Trek around Tuscaloosa until Turkey Day! We set up 12 routes for you to travel around UA’s campus and Tuscaloosa. Walk or run the routes in any order by themselves or part of your longer route. This is the last activity challenge for program credit towards your WellBAMA Rewards.
On October 17th, get out of the office and bring your fellow colleagues along. Complete your activity passport and receive a free Quad in Motion t-shirt. Sign-up to participate.
Get your free flu shot at any WellBAMA health screening beginning September 10th. Find more flu shot locations on campus at Flu Blast.